Saturday, December 20, 2008

iNXES Week 1

It's now been a week since our iNXES XBOX Live friend list hit the AppStore. I wanted to take a few moments to thank everyone for the terrific feedback and support. As always, we're working to make our applications even better. It's been a fun week!

The iNXES application climbed to the #5 spot of top FREE Social Networking apps this week. The AppStore offerings that are rated higher include FaceBook, MySpace, and AIM. We don't expect the application to crack that ceiling, but it's certainly good company.

On the development side, with 1.1, we've improved performance and taking care of some optimization. Testing has gone very well. After we get that deployed, we will get to work on 1.2. Of course, we'll post progress to the blog.

Thank you!
don't pwn alone(tm)