Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Now serving 1 million requests/day

You might have noticed that we've been down a couple of times this evening. We are working with our hosting provider to keep things up and running until we move into our new servers. 1337pwn.com has crossed the 1 million requests/day mark and the existing infrastructure is crying uncle. The popularity of the iPhone/iPod Touch XBOX Live Friends application in Apple's iTunes AppStore has increased load on our systems significantly.

We'd like to thank all of you for your patience as we work to make our services even better.

Thanks again and...
don't pwn alone(tm)

XBOX Live is slowly coming back up

It looks like Microsoft indeed used the whole day yesterday to service XBOX Live. This morning, it looks like XBOX Live is slowly coming back online.

Thank you for your patience.
don't pwn alone(tm)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

XBOX Live is Down All Day Monday

I just wanted to remind everyone that XBOX Live will be down all day Monday. The functionality of your XBOX Live Friends application will be limited during this time.

Thank you for your patience.
don't pwn alone(tm)

Saturday, September 27, 2008


In checking out our iTunes AppStore Reviews, I came across this new "one-star darling" review.

"I'm sure this is a good app but what about the people that have a PS3??? They desurve [sic] somthing like this too."

Yet another person took the time to give our application one-star, because they want a PS3 version. We would love to offer a PS3 version of our 1337pwn.com Friends List application. Unfortunately, SONY just doesn't make the data available to allow it to happen. I have even written about it on the blog before. You can read my article here.

In the absence of SONY provided data, we recently tried the screen-scraping route on the Sony site, but access to friends requires you to provide both your PSN and PlayStation Underground logins. In the end, we decided that it wasn't worth releasing an application that required TWO logins to give you a list of friends with status. It's just not worth it and the application would break as soon as SONY updated their site.

If you are a PS3 fan, by all means send me a friend request. As on XBOX Live, I am "borocouncilman" on PSN. Once you add me, you'll see that I am racking up trophies in WipEOut HD this week. Need further proof that I don't hate the PS3, I was featured on the cover of a local magazine holding a PS3 DUALSHOCK 3 controller.

Angry emails and messages won't make a PS3 friends list happen. In the absence of action by SONY, it's just not possible.

Thank you and... don't pwn alone(tm)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Add Friend is still "In Review"

It looks like we're two full weeks down with our Add Friend application still stuck "In Review". Hopefully, the AppStore folks will get around to it this weekend.

Thank you for your patience
don't pwn alone(tm)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

XBOX Live Friends List for T-Mobile HTC G1 (Android)

If you're one of the lucky ones to pick up the new Google G1 Android phone from T-Mobile/HTC, be sure to check out our 1337pwn.com XBOX Live Friends web application optimized for Android devices.

You can check out the Android web application here:

We are also working on a native Java application that will be released when the Android marketplace comes online. If you're already running our application on an Android phone, send a message to "borocouncilman" via XBOX Live. We look forward to your feedback.

Thank you and...
don't pwn alone(tm)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

1337pwn.com Milestone: 500,000 active gamertags

The 1337pwn.com back-end is now actively serving data for over 500,000 XBOX Live gamertags. At the moment, the servers are holding up, but we're going to be making some infrastructure upgrades in the coming months to ensure the best possible ongoing performance. From the AppStore to the mobile solution, we're working to make all of our 1337pwn.com XBOX Live Friends List applications even better.

Thank you all for your feedback and support!
don't pwn alone(tm)

Scheduled XBOX Live Outage

The 1337pwn.com team would like to remind you that Microsoft has scheduled an XBOX Live outage for Monday, September 29th. During this maintenance, reliable status information will be unavailable for our XBOX Live Friends applications.

Thank you for your patience.
don't pwn alone(tm)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Still "In Review"

Our simple new add friend application is still "In Review" in the AppStore. Hopefully, it will be approved soon. While I have managed to get a little Halo 3 in this morning, it's largely been a week offline from the gaming consoles. If you're up for some gaming, pop "borocouncilman" a friend invite via XBOX Live.

Thank you and...
don't pwn alone(tm)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Fast Add XBOX Live Friend Shortcut Application

We just submitted another application to the AppStore for iPhone and iPod Touch users. Specifically, this application addresses a request first posed by Patrick Klepek of MTV multiplayer. It is a quick and dirty application for adding a friend to your XBOX Live friends list via XBOX.com.

It's by no means any kind of substitute for our 1337pwn XBOX Live Friends List. Instead, this application simply gives you a nice shortcut on your iPhone/iPod Touch home screen versus clumsily navigating XBOX.com. This FREE application lets you get down to business.

Depending upon the response, we may integrate this functionality into our friends list application and/or import utility. Let us know what you think. Given the limitations imposed by Microsoft, this application will launch XBOX.com in Safari, but it is otherwise automated.

The Fast Add XBOX Live Friend application should hit the AppStore by this weekend.

Thank you for your feedback and support
don't pwn alone(tm)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Over 100,000 AppStore Downloads

About two weeks ago, I shared with you that the 1337pwn XBOX Live Friends list application hit the 50,000 AppStore download mark. As of early this morning, our application has now been downloaded from the AppStore 100,000 times.

Thank you all for your support and feedback. We're working hard to make the application even better.

don't pwn alone (tm)

Friday, September 12, 2008

1337pwn v1.41 is in the AppStore

It looks like our 1337pwn XBOX Live Friends application cleared the review process in time for the weekend. With v1.41, we've got a nice update that incorporates a bunch of little bug fixes and the important new ability to import gamertags from XBOX.com.

Want to share friends?
You can also use the import utility to create a list to share amongst your friends. Skip to #6 and start typing them in. You can forward the generated URL to your buddies.

Are you 1337 type?
If you can create a UNIX format text file, you can create your own import. Simply specify one gamertag per line and upload the file to your web server. From your iPhone or iPod Touch, enter the URL to your file (substituting pxbl: for http:) within Safari. The 1337pwn XBOX Live Friends list will launch automatically and import the file. Building a web page? You can create hyperlinks specifying pxbl:// in lieu of traditional http:// to provide easy access for clan members, classmates, and/or co-workers.

We look forward to your feedback and thank you for your patience while we sort out any kinks with the import utility.

Thank you and... don't pwn alone(tm)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

AppStore "In Review"

The new v1.41 release of our 1337pwn XBOX Live Friends list application for the iPhone/iPod Touch is still waiting in Apple's review queue. Hopefully, it will hit by the weekend. The update includes a number of fixes and an important new feature: the ability to import friends from XBOX Live and elsewhere.

Thank you all for your patience and support.
don't pwn alone(tm)

Monday, September 8, 2008

AppStore 1337pwn XBOX Live Friends List v1.4 Import Functionality

Yesterday, we submitted our new v1.41 release of the 1337pwn XBOX Live Friends list application to the AppStore. With this new version, we have incorporated a facility to import your friends from XBOX.com.

To import your friends, we have created an external web-based utility. With this tool, you can import your friends list in a matter of minutes. Importantly, the process does not require your Passport/Live login -- it respects Microsoft's security policies. Click here or below to see a video of the import utility in action.

There's more. The import functionality isn't just for XBOX.com friends. You can also create your own custom friends lists of clan members, coworkers, and/or classmates. We've created an open process for importing gamertags into the application. You can learn about this feature under the Add/Import Friends menu item of the application.

Release v1.41 is still in Apple's review process. From prior experiences, we anticipate that the application will complete the AppStore review process within the week. We look forward to your feedback on this new functionality.

Thank you for your comments and support.
don't pwn alone(tm)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

1337pwn XBOX Live Friends List v1.41 submitted to the AppStore

With v1.41, we've worked to make our application even better. This incremental release builds upon our solid 1337pwn XBOX Live Friends List application.

Importantly, it includes the ability to import gamertags into the friends list. See below for the full list of improvements.

  • Support for importing friends into the application (Demo)

  • User interface improvements for friends list management

  • Cosmetic fixes to friends list including color and clipping issues

  • Menu on button bar replaces About button

  • Integrated application help and FAQ

  • Improved handling of network connections on iPod Touch

  • Bug fixes and code refactoring

We look forward to your feedback when the application hits the AppStore. Given past turnaround time, it will probably take a week to make it through Apple's approval process.

Thank you all for your ongoing support.

don't pwn alone(tm)

Testing 1... 2... 3...

Testing of the v1.4 1337pwn XBOX Live Friends list application has been going really well. We have a final "gold" build that is being tested today prior to submittal to the AppStore. We will keep you posted.

UPDATE: The release is now called v1.41 and should be in the AppStore later this week.

Thank you all for your feedback and support
don't pwn alone(tm)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Release 1.4 Testing

Our new v1.4 release of the 1337pwn XBOX Live Friends List AppStore application has been completed and will be tested this weekend. Providing that testing goes well, we will be releasing it to the AppStore on Monday. The release includes some bug fixes, display tweaks, and a unique new feature. We think you'll like it.

What new feature? I will post a Jing video of the new application in action after we complete testing.

Thank you and... don't pwn alone(tm)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How do privacy settings affect 1337pwn XBOX Live Friends applications?

If you have a friend on your friend list with their XBOX Live privacy settings enabled, you will not be able to see status updates or played game history. Like all XCDP applications, our 1337pwn applications can only display information for gamers that are made publicly available. This is a limitation of the API provided to XBOX Community Developer Program members.

How do you know that privacy settings may be affecting your application? Status information will always read offline even when your friend is online. No details are available when selecting the gamer detail screen. Information such as "Playing Halo 3" will not be displayed.

If you would like to see your friend's actual status, ask them to change their privacy settings. We hope that this information is helpful.

don't pwn alone(tm)

Readying v1.4 for the AppStore

Hot on the heels of our v1.3 bug fix release of the 1337pwn XBOX Live Friends list application, we've got a big new feature that addresses the most requested functionality from the community. We'll keep you posted as we get this update tested and submitted to the AppStore.

Thank you and...
don't pwn alone(tm)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Warhawk Update Refresh Issue Fixed

In the midst of all of the AppStore related development, it came to our attention that the stats for our 1337pwn iPhone/iPod Touch Warhawk application stopped refreshing. The problem has been fixed. Personally, I need to get back involved in some Warhawk throw down with the recent expansion pack. It is indeed the love child of Unreal Tournament and Battlefield.

If you are a Warhawk fan, we also offer a forum signature with statistics. You can check it out here. The signature is quite popular serving tens of thousands of Warhawk gamers.

Thank you for the heads up on the refresh. For PS3 comments, please send an PSN message to "borocouncilman".

don't pwn alone(tm)

Over 50,000 AppStore Downloads

Our 1337pwn XBOX Live Friends List application became available late in the day on August 15th in the AppStore. Since that time, in little more than 2 weeks, we crossed 50,000 downloads, got as high 71 in the AppStore Top 100, and has remained in the 10 Social Networking applications (#6.#7 depending upon the day). THANK YOU!

As always, we're working to make our applications even better. Thank you for all for your great feedback and support.

don't pwn alone(tm)