Friday, August 22, 2008

1337pwn PlayStation 3 (PlayStation Network) Friends List?

If you're new to, you might not be aware that we're multi-platform gamers. I personally think that Metal Gear Solid 4 is easily one of the best games of this console generation. When Metal Gear Online hit, we even tested it on the iPhone/iPod Touch.

At this time, a Sony equivalent to Microsoft's XCDP is non-existent. We would LOVE to offer an AppStore Friends List for the Playstation Network. It's just not technically feasible at this time without doing some screen-scraping kludge. How serious is our PS3 love? We made a working proof-of-concept web application that was pitched to the powers that be.

Looks awesome doesn't it? Unfortunately, we just can't get the data to get the job done. In reading the recent reviews of our AppStore application, it appears that a handful of PS3 fanboys are trying to make their wishes known. We feel your pain, but we're not the ones you should be petitioning. If Sony makes the data available, we WILL write an application.

In the meantime, be sure to check out our Warhawk Statistics web application. It's no substitute for seeing your friends online status, but it does help with bragging rights. If demand is strong enough, we can make a native version of the Warhawk application, but that's not the PlayStation 3 AppStore application that we really WANT to build.

Thank you for your support.
don't pwn alone(tm)