Want to share friends?
You can also use the import utility to create a list to share amongst your friends. Skip to #6 and start typing them in. You can forward the generated URL to your buddies.
Are you 1337 type?
If you can create a UNIX format text file, you can create your own import. Simply specify one gamertag per line and upload the file to your web server. From your iPhone or iPod Touch, enter the URL to your file (substituting pxbl: for http:) within Safari. The 1337pwn XBOX Live Friends list will launch automatically and import the file. Building a web page? You can create hyperlinks specifying pxbl:// in lieu of traditional http:// to provide easy access for clan members, classmates, and/or co-workers.
We look forward to your feedback and thank you for your patience while we sort out any kinks with the import utility.
Thank you and... don't pwn alone(tm)