The blog has been quiet as I have been busy trying to get our iPhone/iPod Touch Native XBOX Live Friends application tested and out the door. Watch this space for when it is released to the app store. In the mean time, something funny has happened to the top 10 games on XBOX Live -- Gears of War has leapt to the #4 spot. Neato.
1. Call of Duty 4 (1000)
2. Halo 3 (945.31106625069)
3. GTA IV (423.5639566893)
4. Gears of War (353.09231051569)
5. Rock Band (318.31528720866)
6. Guitar Hero III (279.86786566342)
7. BF: Bad Company (256.28555698293)
8. Rainbow Six® Vegas 2 (158.28592402276)
9. NCAA® Football 09 (116.07634428335)
10. Unreal Tournament® 3 (110.02018719031)
As for myself, GameFly has been cruel -- I have been sent Quake Wars. I'm not looking forward to it. Since completing Resistance Fall of Man, I've kind of sworn off the FPS thing for a while. Games with the depth of Metal Gear Solid 4 spoil you.
It looks like I may have to go out and buy Soulcalibur. The struggle is whether to pick up the PS3 or XBOX 360 versions -- Darth Vader vs Yoda. My Gamerscore has been flat for a while so I am leaning towards the 360 version.
Thank you and... don't pwn alone (tm)