Saturday, May 10, 2008 Top 10 XBOX Live Games

From our data, these are the top 10 XBOX Live games for the week of May 5th.

Rank(Popularity Index)
1. GTA IV (1000)
2. Call of Duty 4 (909.52520946641)
3. Halo 3 (735.04336322211)
4. Rock Band (219.46200205792)
5. Guitar Hero III (218.58003821843)
6. Rainbow Six® Vegas 2 (217.77157136557)
7. Gears of War (166.91165662208)
8. Forza Motorsport 2 (68.058209613406)
9. Guitar Hero II (55.343230927532)
10.Madden NFL 08 (54.975745994414)

The top 10 list includes a popularity index using a scale of 1000. This helps give you a better idea of relative popularity. Let us know if you find this information helpful.

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