From our data, these are the top 10 XBOX Live games for the week of May 5th.
Rank(Popularity Index)
1. GTA IV (1000)
2. Call of Duty 4 (909.52520946641)
3. Halo 3 (735.04336322211)
4. Rock Band (219.46200205792)
5. Guitar Hero III (218.58003821843)
6. Rainbow Six® Vegas 2 (217.77157136557)
7. Gears of War (166.91165662208)
8. Forza Motorsport 2 (68.058209613406)
9. Guitar Hero II (55.343230927532)
10.Madden NFL 08 (54.975745994414)
The top 10 list includes a popularity index using a scale of 1000. This helps give you a better idea of relative popularity. Let us know if you find this information helpful.
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